Founded: 1994

ABK Forms in DAoC

The Army of Blood Keep is now a founded guild within Dark Age of Camelot’s Albion Realm on the Bedevere Server. For those who are not with us yet, you are missing a good time and a good game so far.

As you know, ABK will not found a chapter in new games without our base of ten members. Dark Age of Camelot only requires a total of eight which includes the Guild Leader.

We exceeded what was needed as many old names, and some new names came out to join us. A congratulations, well met and a ‘Damn, we missed you guys’ as well as a congratulation to those who are now our DAoC founders.

Our opening night we were joined by:
Garath, Hadean, Gareen, Lotun, Lorrain, Daemar, Connor, Ivan, Murlock, and our new brother Rodith.

Congratulations to all, and good job!

“Blood Will Follow Blood!”

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