Founded: 1994

Enlist in the Army of Blood Keep

The really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

Does the call of Blood flow through your veins burning like fire at the sound of battle? Are you a warrior who has seen acts not honorable that sicken you? Do you think you can uphold a pact that will fulfill your warrior heart?

Many have stood now where you stand, hoping to wear the colors of the Army of Blood Keep, many have failed. Do you think you have what it takes to be one of the Blood tied to the land in body and spirit?

We will see.

So you’re interested in becoming a member of one of the oldest most established gaming guilds available today? Where many other guilds have faded from memory, the Army of Blood Keep continues to endure, existing and growing with a dedicated membership of those who are an extended family from all over the world in online gaming.

Unlike other guilds the Army of Blood Keep places its emphasis upon the player, not the character. We believe in only allowing those of a mature and adult mindset within the guild, that enjoys varied playstyles with an emphasis on player versus player combat, progressive activities, and creative writing within a role-play format on our message boards, following as well with the belief of the quality of members over quantity of members.

As such, the Army of Blood has created a three part screening process, we are very discriminatory of who we allow into the guild, because once accepted as a member, it’s your guild and your guild for life. Nine out of ten applicants are denied membership outright due to a failure on their part. ABK is a unique gaming guild, which maintains a set of the highest standards and principles as one of the most elite guilds available for players to enjoy. We are not a cgi-guild, we do not make you jump through hoops of forms; we enjoy the company of each other and continue to create a house of people who compliment one another in skill and friendship.

Currently we are only accepting applications for our latest campaign within “New World” on the Oceana server as Marauders.

To enlist within the Army of Blood Keep you should be familiar with our bylaws and rules as found within our guild charter. After submitting your application, you should follow-up with a written introduction of your character in role-play format upon our guild boards following the theme already introduced.

Failure to do so will result in your application being denied.

Continue on if you would still wish to enlist.

hey i wants to join your guild, but i dont want to go throught all these steaps 2 b a knight, so ill only join if wright away im a knight i have skills

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