Founded: 1994


Ranks and Units

My center is giving way, my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I shall attack.

Army of Blood Keep members and players within the guild are assigned for end-game content within games into units which perform specific duties, with members broken into ranks for each division of the guild. Members of ABK will have a general guild rank along with a position in one of these units.

Each unit will consist of 16 members; 12 being Lancers, 4 being Knights in charge of a quad and 1 Knight Commander who is responsible for the unit. Each guild unit is cross functional to support the greater of the guild, thus ensuring that missions and goals are accomplished.

Two primary groups are for player versus player combat ladders / ranked / structured competitive play, and the highest-level mode operations for difficulty. Units are not all inclusive and can fill roles as needed from both members, players within guild and pick-up groups (PUGs) from outside guild.

Players and members are assigned ranks within guild following a hierarchy, with members gaining access to groups, contests, as a first pass to invitations during special events, and automatic membership into all games ABK may call home.



Lord Commander (Guild Master)
• Highest rank of leadership within the guild, sets direction and the standards members will abide by for chapters and games within the guild

High Commander (Assistant Guild Officers / Chapter Guild Leaders)
• Assistant Leaders supporting the Lord Commander within specialty roles or overseeing chapters the guild may have a presence in

Knight Commanders (Supporting Guild Officers)
• PvX Progressive Group Leaders, Junior Guild Officers

Knights (Guild Team/Group Members)
• PvX Progressive Group Members

Lancers (Guild Members)
• Guild Members who have moved beyond the Guardsmen (Recruit) rank and are officially recognized as an official member

Guardsmen (Recruits)
• Players have submitted a formal request to join the guild for membership

Adherents (Non-Guild Players)
• Players who are not formal members within the guild as they play under the guilds banner / flag

The most important qualification of a soldier is fortitude under fatigue and privation. Courage is only second; hardship, poverty and want are the best school for a soldier.


To better serve the members of the guild, and the guild, “Army of Blood Keep” members are ranked into positions within the units they are part of. Following a military basis of organization the guild can function in it’s efforts with a chain of command in place at all times. At any given time, a member can seek direction within his unit from the ranking leader available for a course of action that is questionable.

To advance within the guild to a higher rank, members are expected to abide by the charter and show continued collaboration with members and platers to contribute over all to the guild.

Each rank has listed requirements below, with a base definition of duties members are expected to support and adhere to.

While the “Army of Blood Keep” fully supports independent thoughts and actions by those who will act to benefit the guild the situation does arise when specific objectives and leadership is needed.

Leadership Guild Ranks:

The highest ranks in the guild belong to the Commanders.
They are as follows:

  • The Guild Master (GM) with the rank of Lord Commander
  • Two Assistant Guild Masters (AGM) with the rank of High Commander.
  • Chapter Guild Leaders (CGL) with the rank of Chapter Commander.

The GM and the AGM’s have final say in all matters.
The GM can overrule an AGM with good reason.
The GM and AGM’s can overrule a Chapter Guild Leader with good reason.

The GM, AGM’s and CGL’s will listen to all views of members impartially and implement changes as warranted.

Individual Guild Ranks:

The Ranks are in the following in order from highest to lowest:

  • Lord Commander (Guild Master)
  • High Commander (Assistant Guild Masters/Chapter Commanders)
  • Knight Commanders (Unit/Progressive Team Leaders)
  • Knights (Guild Progessive Team/Group Members)
  • Lancers (Guild Members)
  • Guardsmen (Recruits)
  • Adherents (Non-Guild Players)

To obtain these ranks the listed requirements are below, with a base definition of duties members are expected to support and adhere too.

Advancement Path:

Army of Blood Keep during certain phases will open the guild recruitment process to players that are not members. Players are welcomed as if they were members as they determine if the guild is of a socially compatible environment to both players, and members of the guild. Adherents can participate in all guild activities, including contests and promotional activities.

To become an official member within the Army of Blood Keep , recruits are following the path for membership.

  1. Post in a role-play fashion upon the guild boards introducing your character and seeking membership to enlist in the Army of Blood Keep.
  2. Complete and submit an application to enlist in the guild.
  3. Swear to the pact and uphold the laws of ABK.
  4. Contribute to the guild in a positive manner and become engaged in guild activities (RP/PvP/PvE/Crafting/Leadership) through time and resources.
  5. All new members will start in the guild as a recruit, during this time the player will be evaluated by the guild in a probationary manner.

ABK seeks only quality members who will dedicate themselves to the guild and guild mates.

Guardsmen to Lancer: 
To move from a recruit to a full member of the guild, which carries over to all games ABK may play, the following is to move from a Recruit to a Lancer:

  1. Be active within the guild through the varied formats.
  2. Continued support to the guild and players within the guild through knowledge, time and resource sharing.
  3. Prove yourself in PvP combat against 1 foe through a ladder or competitive play, or show active involvement in PvX progression activities.
  4. Create a role-play story post seeing the promotion on the guilds message boards.
  5. Recruit 5 current new players of good standing.
  6.  Have been in the guild for no less than 30 days, and have approval from peers and leaders.

Lancer to Knight: 

The rank of Knight within Army of Blood Keep is the highest rank achievable for general members. Knights are part of regularly scheduled progression activities and are on a leadership path within the guild.

To move from a Lancer to a Knight:

  1. Show continued engagement and activity within the guild and to guild members.
  2. Continued support to the guild and players within the guild through knowledge, time and resource sharing.
  3. Show continued commitment to progressive activities and be part of a progressive team.
  4. Create a role-play story post seeing the promotion on the guilds message boards.
  5. Have recruited ten members who are current lancers.
  6. Willing to Lead a Quad (4 Lancers) team from the unit assigned in (as personal time allows).
  7. Have been in the guild for no less than 60 days, and have approval from peers and leaders.

Knight to Knight Commander: 

The rank of Knight Commander within Army of Blood Keep is a leadership role. Knight Commanders are  team leaders and schedule, lead and assist players and members both inside and outside of progression  (PvX) activities within the guild.

To move from a Knight to a Knight Commander:

  1. Willingness to dedicate time and resources to leading progressive activities to guild members.
  2. Willingness to plan, execute, and lead progressive activities with guild members.
  3. Continued support to the guild and players within the guild through knowledge, time and resource sharing.
  4. Create a role-play story post seeing the promotion on the guilds message boards.
  5. Show continued engagement and activity within the guild and to guild members.
  6. Show a knowledge and understanding of the guilds charter, and leadership qualities.
  7. Willing to Lead a Quad (4 Lancers) team from the unit assigned in (as personal time allows).
  8. Support the guilds members, players, leadership in betterment to the guild and all under the guilds banner.

Knight Commander to High Commander: 

The rank of High Commander is reserved for overall leadership of the guild and for guild chapters m(Chapter Commander Leaders) within Army of Blood Keep. There is usually up to two to three assisting guild leaders that support all guild activities and functions working in partnership with the members and the guild master (Lord Commander).

To move from a Knight Commander to a High Commander:

  1. Willingness to dedicate time to leading progressive activities to guild members.
  2. Willingness to dedicate time to leading, coordinating, and planning activities to guild members.
  3. Willingness to plan, execute, and lead progressive activities with guild members.
  4. Continued support to the guild and players within the guild through knowledge, time and resource sharing.
  5. Create a role-play story post seeing the promotion on the guilds message boards.
  6. Show continued engagement and activity within the guild and to guild members.
  7. Show a knowledge and understanding of the guilds charter, and leadership qualities.
  8. Support the guilds members, players, leadership in betterment to the guild and all under the guilds banner.
  9. Be willing to act on behalf of Army of Blood Keep to lead a chapter and adhere to guild structure and charters.

*There must be an available opening for a High Commander.
*Chapters must have approval for formal opening by the guild leadership.

The current GM will name his successor to the rank Lord Commander only from his current AGM’s.

The above documented advancement process within Army of Blood Keep are promotions and only include a brief definition of responsibilities of the ranks. The Commanders have the right to change these rules at any time. Exceptions to the progress of rankings can be made by the Lord Commander (GM) at their discretion. All requests for promotion will be taken into consideration. During special circumstances or events, field promotions or rank advancements within guild may be granted at the discretion of guilds leadership (Combat/Field Promotions).


The Blood Knights:
Creed: “For Blood!”
Role: Player versus Everything

These warriors are the personal guards to the Commanders and Lord Commander. They are responsible for the wellbeing and safety of his person, the command of ABK, and ensuring that the commanders not be overthrown. While in the field of combat, the Blood Knights will ensure that the safety and wellbeing to the commanding bodies of the guild do not fall, sacrificing themselves, if need be, to ensure victory.

The Protectors of the Keep:
Creed: “For Courage!”
Role: Player versus Everything

These warriors are the chosen protectors of the Keep itself. They fear nothing and ensure that the walls of the keep are never breached. These warriors are often heard speaking of the power of Blood Keep while adventuring. The Protectors stand ever vigilant with their charge, the Keep

The Honor Guard:
Creed: “For Honor!”
Role: Progressive Operations

When the envoys of Blood Keep venture out into the realms for meetings with other guilds these soldiers are responsible for their safety. They represent the honor and wisdom found in the guild and tells the tales of our exploits as they travel the lands. Diplomats, Ambassadors and Merchants often seek out those of the Honor Guard knowing they will arrive at their destinations safely.

The Crimson Guard:
Creed: “For Valor!”
Role: Progressive Player v Player Combat

The elite embodiment of what it is to be ‘Of the Blood,’ and a wearer of a ‘Blood Scar.’ These soldiers are the best of the best, highly trained, and specialized killers both singly and in groups. Enlistment into this unit is by invitation only, and then only through rigorous continued training and testing. Battles have turned at the mention the Crimson Guard were taking the field of combat. They never leave one of their own behind and always ensure fallen comrades are taken care of properly.

The Avant-Garde:
Creed: “For Justice!”
Role: Unknown

Army of Blood Keep, ABK, the leaders, officers and members disavow any knowledge of such a unit existing, or residing within the walls of the Keep, either past, present, or future. We, ABK, do not know of any such entity that has ever, nor will ever act with this name on behalf of Army of Blood Keep, ABK or under any direct authority from the Commanders of the guild. The Army of Blood Keep does not condone the use of Assassins, hired killers or covert operating groups on the behalf of our forces.

Are you worthy?