The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.
- Michael Crichton, Timeline
Within this hallowed hall are the dedications to members past who helped make “Army of Blood Keep” the renowned guild it is today.
Through the many trials and tribulations that all have endured, we thank those who upheld the Pact and wore the Red and Black colors of “ABK” proudly.
We will remember what you have done to make this guild what it is today, and your names forever shall be immortalized in our halls of heroes.
Without the original founders, “ABK” would never of taken shape, to those who came first, we have built and expanded upon the foundation you have lain for us.
We salute you!
Lord Blud
our founding Guildmaster who created the original concept.
Over the course of the years several different guildmasters and assistant guild masters as well as chapter commanders have taken the duty and responsibility of bringing the guild from one incarnation to the next. Making “Army of Blood Keep” a source of enjoyment and a place for all whom have called it home a source of pride.
Many have been the battles that chapters of “ABK” members have pledged themselves to, but out of those many, there are those who rose above and beyond to make everything enjoyable for all, and are noted here for their exceptional achievements.
Within the Forgotten Realms of long ago, “Army of Blood Keep” founded itself in the lands of Faerune, many were those who will be remembered.
*Guild Leader
DragonKings rose up in the sandblasted lands of Thyatis, to uphold the Pact, hereos arose in the colors of red and black, to stop them. These are those heroes.
*Guild Leader
The Land of Sosaria; with the absence of Lord British the forces of the Followers of Armageddon rose up, followed by the four Factions. As the Defenders of Trinsic and then the ShadowLords, “Army of Blood Keep” after a two year absence rose up once more to uphold “The Pact!“
*Guild Leader
“Army of Blood Keep” campaigns into Norrath where are legend continues to grow on Cazic-Thule.
*Guild Leader
Traveling to the lands of Camelot and the realm of Albion, the “Army of Blood Keep” again rose to uphold “The Pact!“
*Guild Leader
The campaign over the lands of Aerynth have arrived, “Army of Blood Keep” hears the call raising the banners to “Avenge!”
*Guild Leader
Traveling to the lands of Camelot and the realm of Albion, the “Army of Blood Keep” again rose to uphold “The Pact!“
*Guild Leader
Decades are the cataclysm, the call has been heard as new threats invade the lands of Faerune.
*Guild Leader
Army of Blood Keep, Blood Keep, Blood Knights, and ABK is a social club and non-profit organization of gamers.
Army of Blood Keep is a registered trademark, all content is copyright and all rights are reserved and can not be used without permission from the site owners or authors.
Army of Blood Keep 1994 – 2021